

That stands for "OUT OF ORDER" - which would describe the state of my internet access, my building, a new stucco job, basic electrical engineering, and the trials and tribulations of me. Anyways...

There has been a bunch going on - just finished a new video project - RATES OF CHANGE - and I'm currently getting a little platform together for eyes to view.

In the near future - a summer rundown, new Savage Severe inductions, more from the LIVE ARCHIVE, some NY madness, and tales from the Hotel InterContinental (both Boston MA and Tampa FL).

I met my stunt double while deejaying at UNION POOL last weekend.

Till laters.



Im still here. Just been TOTALY preoccupied for this internet crap (just joking).
Its been a NY minute since my last post. A new apt with spotty internet service (itll be fixed sometime), finishing a new film project with possible Brooklyn screenings in the works, traveling, shifting modes of survival, some fun, some games, some secrets shared, some destructive forces, some tears, sweat, but no blood (at least not yet).

Sometimes you just have to laugh and find a quiet place to be...in a park...on a blankie...with delicious food...and chilled white wine...in 1991.