Miami during spring break is like a gigantic outdoor mall / frat house. I won't hate on the fun of others, I was just bummed I would miss the 25 deejay MAJOR party (feat. RED FOXX) by a week because I had to continue on my journey. I have to say, every work day should begin jumping into Caribbean waters and listening to this:
Next off to Boston for the Nieman Foundation's annual journalist meeting of the minds. Gwen Ifill was an appropriate choice as keynote speaker - with her new book hitting shelves and Jeff Chang appeared on deck to discuss matters of the day with other benders of story and criticism. Any event that can bring these two people together is OK by me. Every year this meeting inspires me to create and work into the struggle. As Chang would say, Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop!
While there it was very nice to chat with Brynmore and Brian Coleman, two friends I never get to see anymore. I miss those old school late nites junglist vibes and ill live local hip-hop throwdowns.
Next stop: PHILA
To pass the time, Handcancel and I played a game of Boston vs Philly dichotomy. Here’s another one: Cheapos Records vs The Sound of Philadelphia shop - both physical and metaphysical.
My new favorite book and zen guide while chilling in terminals throughout it all: