

The more I read about dum dum moves of the greedy wealthy or mixed up child celebs, the more I am happy to do just what I'm doing. My man Handcancel always notes the importance of being less a passive consumer and more an active creator and with fire recently performed in a variety show at Santos Party House (cue the theme music). Bold Move Sir! Advice noted.

Not long ago I decided to shake things up a fun loft party. The funny part was when some dink in the last band of the night took offense to my innocent behavior. Throughout the night, he also had beef with the party host, esteemed guests, and members of other bands performing. The only thing keeping this dude from a smack in the face was the fact that he was eventually "on stage" , commanding attention (not mine). Unfortunately the MAKE not MOLD maxim holds true.

Thanks Nora for the video.

Also - if you're in or around Boston later this month I'll have a video art piece running in a one off exhibition. Lots of interesting artists on the bill. Can't wait!


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