With Halloween approaching I thought I would share some pictures in the spirit of the season. I am such a big fan of Hitchcock's classic thriller - THE BIRDS. This summer I spent time in San Francisco and made a special trip to Bodega Bay, CA which is a nice drive north of Oakland. This interest dovetails (no pun intended) with my curiosity with cool film soundtracks. There is no soundtrack to this film - except for Herrmann's slicing mechanical bird scrapes and cries.
The surrounding landscape - nothing but the sound of light wind and creepy quiet
Bodega Bay - This water was so still, I felt I was waiting for something to rise from it. Looks like camping is allowed here. Could make a haunting outdoor experience.
I've really been enjoying Marley Marl's weekday 6pm megamix which broadcasts on the legendary WBLS . He does a midday mix but the evening hour is where he lets loose. Just as it was with Rap Attack feat. Mr. Magic & Fly Ty (not me) - dope breaks & street house hustle.
The other night it was SO warm and steamy - it seemed like a good idea to escape to the cool cave of creativity. I joined some special guests on the air for a live broadcast from MARZ RADIO. Fun!
IT IS 2010! Why aren't we TELEPORTING yet? Its TIME! Oil is so old and outdated and clearly a big MESS. Windpower would be nice but what's taking so long. We're talking BIG FANS!?! Solar = no-brainer.
I saw this scene while walking down a residential street in Brooklyn. What is this, BladeRunner? Am I in the trenches?
I deserted the interweb version of the SAVAGE SEVERE to actually live it. 2 months is too long though.
My head also has been full of odd ball situations all over the map - so been a bit intro. Such is life - inside outside upside.
Recently I had a chance to catch a mind blowing premier - Omar Souleyman live in the deserts of Redhook. And it did feel like a desert - with 90 deg. heat - dusty spaces - and atmospheric stone caves where the performance took place.
I think this was Souleyman's first performance in the US. He is a Syrian vocalist, crooner, and hype man all in one. His videographer and MC was a presence as well (not pictured - had to see this). The man behind the music on keyboards provided live production.
The first time I went to SF CA, I made a visit to Berkley's Indian zone on the hunt for soundtrack tapes. There were rows and rows of Souleyman's music. There was so much I decided on nothing. Fate would allow me to experience this live later.
What can I say - Ive been on the road for the better part of the month of May.
All I have to offer for now is this, a doc for the original Last House on the Left. I watched the 2009 version in my hotel room the other night (Chicago) and it freaked the sh&t outta me...you know the kind of thing where you're talking to the video screen, "You turned your back on them again!"..."Oh, look at his face"..."His legs were dangling"..."His head exploded!". RULED!
This is going to be a tough match-up. Look at that 4 on 1. That's what it takes cause stuff gets ugly. I'd almost rather see a LAX vs. CLE match up in the Finals...it'll be a rematch to this when the fans were the ugly ones. LA fans are such babies. BTW, is that Snoop Dog, front row there with the santa shades in that freeze frame?
EDAN'S Echo Party has been getting heavy rotation in my ranch and I just actually looked to see if there was any video to support.
And has been brewing an assignment nuclear melt down. The work has taken me far and wide.
LA last weekend
Here is the one non-work related picture I took the whole weekend (with a blackberry). I love these letters and the sense of doom on the streets. This is Sunday AM in North Hollywood. Apparently its not too slick at this hour, more my style.
BTW - that's not a homeless person. I don't take pictures of homeless people.
NBA this weekend
Fear The Deer! Basketball season has ended and today marks the beginning of The Playoffs. I got to check out a Knicks Celtics game with my brother at MSG -thanks again John! Knicks won that one (surprise). The Celtics' Bad is Knicks' Good.
In April I drove a car to a friend and co-worker based in Austin, TX. The whole trip itself from Brooklyn NY takes 28 hours if you drive non stop in traffic zero conditions. I did it in two 15 hour days with a stop over in Nashville - solo...with a mounted HD video camera hovering over the passenger seat. The scene: the US highways from NY to TX in a Mini Cooper (green with white stripes and fog lamps). I had to get there in 2 days so I drove and shot continuously.
This project is architectural because highways and roadway landscapes are designed spaces with a 3rd dimension factored in - MOTION.
I can't tell if the final version of the video piece will be 2 hrs or 20 hrs....thinking 20. The footage was shot with live sound. Largely the various radio stations along the way (super hits, creepy AM, jazz, gun show radio), engine and road noise, and occasional outbursts from me. Screenings are forming in New York & Boston.
With the sudden passing of Malcolm McLaren I was honored to drop an impromptu set at TROPHY in his name. He was a real music and culture lightning rod having touched and redefined punk, hip-hop, club, and international throughout his life . He worked in film and video too producing work and criticism - once appearing on screen to call The Bronx a sub-burb. His last work being the "sound painting", Shallow as seen in his return to Times Square.
I feel a kinship. R.I.P.
Listen to this WNYC interview interview - I heard it when it originally aired in 2008 and could not believe what I heard. You must listen.
Winter is almost gone and some special things are already sprouting - new roots - branching out! Today its raining this bracing type of ocean rain. Ahhh! Its not bad actually. In the meantime all the brown stones, puddles, and debris around here in industrial / residential BK remind me of the landscape in this beautiful video; shot where I wonder...?
Speaking of which I can't wait to see the Romero remake of The Crazies. There's only a coming soon for the soundtrack. Have to settle for this I guess...
While reading about remote deserted communities in California I noticed a trend which may explain something about the way out vibe on the west coast. So many ghost towns it seems are abandoned social living projects; that essentially failed...and in that way maybe they were a success. California's history is tied to a dream - some individual with a (usually twisted) vision of what should / could be: The unknown lands, War, Power, Gold, Business, Water, Borders, Industrial Light & Magic Show Biz and Shiny Things.
Two Ghost Towns that really have stood out - California City and Llano Del Rio.
California City To quote BLDGBLOG The history of the town itself is of a failed Californian utopia—in fact, incredibly, if completed, it was intended to rival Los Angeles. From the city's Wikipedia entry:
California City had its origins in 1958 when real estate developer and sociology professor Nat Mendelsohn purchased 80,000 acres (320 km2) of Mojave Desert land with the aim of master-planning California's next great city. He designed his model city, which he hoped would one day rival Los Angeles in size, around a Central Park with a 26-acre (11 ha) artificial lake. Growth did not happen anywhere close to what he expected. To this day a vast grid of crumbling paved roads, scarring vast stretches of the Mojave desert, intended to lay out residential blocks, extends well beyond the developed area of the city. A single look at satellite photos shows the extent of the scarred desert and how it stakes its claim to being California's 3rd largest geographic city, 34th largest in the US. California City was incorporated in 1965.
Llano Del Rio Llano Del Rio was started as a socialist project in 1913 and which eventually dried up like those bricks that remain in their desert surroundings; human friction and fights over water. This heavy desert region is now home to a State Park known as the Devil's Punchbowl.
A Google search of the terms "savage severe" yields this quote:
"There is a violent, vicious, brutal, and severe savage, living wild in each of us, beyond the control of the average person..."
I was looking forward to this event and glad to say it was worth the weight. Dark Disco with RUNAWAY JACQUES RENAULT & NITE DOG under the Mercer Hotel thru the wine cellar. Got my dance on....
Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations run this weekend. Im hoping ?uestlove brings something interesting to the table. I personally have recorded 3 tribute sets over the years and know there's alot of powerful music that can be joined in the spirit of joy, peace, struggle and determination.
While in LA last weekend I was trying to spend a few free hours in a productive hardcore window-shopping spree. I almost forgot to note the magical place I found by accident. I had planned to visit Turntable Lab LA and get a far-out, West Coast perspective on the music style jugger but, BUGGER!...the shop was closed for over an hour due to some business-tech issue. Instead I wandered in the Fairfax zone and checked out some other spots: a cool vintage store, an elderly persons vintage store, RCVA, a dark pizza joint that had 4 coolers of beers and beverages under padlock, and an artist bookstore called FAMILY. Funny, like TTL and the 'Za spot they were having an "anti bad day" with a colorful non-storefront sign and no business cards. You don't need that stuff at this place. Lots of rare, one off, unique hard and soft cover books here. A few records and T-shirts. If there was seating in the store it would be all over. They even hold readings and events in their gallery.
This experience was kind of like when I went to a theater to see The Blair Witch Project, which had sold out. Instead I, like many others, had discovered Run Lola Run.
I've been plagued with dreams of living in the desert. It is so quiet and still - a monument to nothing. I also love the idea of pre-fab dwellings or places to live that are made from the earth. I know these are two ends of the spectrum; man-made vs. nature but there are places between these poles that make so much sense (and no sense what so ever). The time is now; low cost, low impact, sustaining, fun, living