
NYC Craigslist is planet GONZO

That post about the hampster a while back?....This beats it.
What's next - I don't know.
This person is smart though - now that water pipes are all the rage he can design them and sell them to Celebs.

seeking: ceramic bong/pipe expert (brooklyn)
Reply to: XXXXXXXXXX@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-02-09, 9:31PM EST


if you know how to craft a bong or pipe, preferably from clay, i would like to learn from you!

i'm looking to sit in/have a conversation about what makes a good bong/pipe.

can't offer much in exchange, how about a meal? pack of cigarettes? name it!

please write back describing your operation or send pictures of your work- hope to hear from you

* Location: brooklyn
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: to be discussed

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