BLAQSTARR LIVE was recorded at Brooklyn space, Glasslands - NYE EVE 2007 - just about a year ago. It was hibernating throughout this year and I think its now more than ever.
The recording was an experiment; I was testing an el cheapo audio capture device. The mic is open, so its an “ambient party”. I think it was a success, a 50/50 mix of people freaking at the party and BLAQSTARR’s set. I love his vocal hype and the slow jams are my favorite part.
"Every so often a gadget comes around that manages to transcend the cheap plastic frame in which it's encased. The first Buddha Machine was one such device. Created by a little -known Chinese company called FM3, the ambient-musical-loop-playing gadget proved a bit of a surprise hit...the second incarnation of the box looks nearly identical to its predecessor--something along the lines of a cheap transistor radio you might pick up in Chinatown."
Life is full of disappointment. Inescapable. What is unacceptable is when disrespect takes over. Blind selfishness is perhaps the ugliest of ways to live. Loosing faith in yourself is uglier.
SO what do I want for XMAS? You cannot buy it in a store. You cannot wear it. It wont make the world perfect (impossible). You live it. You believe in it.
Am I dreaming? Yes - then I guess you can call me a dreamer.
BLACK FLAG - LIVE AT TARGET Peep the heavy video at the end which pretty much stands for politics today. I just bought the CEO chair of the SAVAGE SEVERE for 50 bucks.
The RADIO format has been flexing its muscles in my subconscious of late.
I'm still a fan of the format - I interact with music in many ways - about a 50 / 50 split between airwaves and archives. But I find that listening to traditional radio is a real activity - kind of like unwrapping a new Lp - an experience that digital connections sometimes lack.
Junior and Lil’ Dave offer the recordbreakin series on WKDU if you’re on the go in the whip in Philly or anytime on their insane archives of shows. Their Mizell Brothers tribute was an eye opener - a favorite at the Savage Severe offices.
Such a hard name for a very present producer. The honesty in his bio is refreshing. This instramentalist unleashed a recent body of work entitled: RADIO
It was composed entirely from radio samples heard on his local radiowaves but sounds like neck cracking tropicalia hip-hop.
Exile creates sample source music / mental color fields (see Prefuse 73). It reminds me of a nice afternoon on a patio. Sun. Dope. How could such rich music come from the kludgy radio?
The answer speaks to broadcast’s power.
Radio is mysterious - appropriate then for Madlib to have served up the cryptic title for his album WLIB AM KING OF THE WIGFLIP not long ago - sounds in the key of creepy AM radio.
I love the long pause and the record getting flipped on this youtube offering.
RAP ATTACK & MR MAGIC are back as heard on WLIB in NY - the compiler, Will C. offered the very fun mash of on-air tapes, now in stores as Down the Dial. You can find clips over here thru the turnstyle - be sure to peep the show intro...
Went to MOMA the other night to a grande event - a Melivn Van Peebles double feature. First his early work with a the screening of La Permission (Story of a 3-Day Pass), and then his current feature, Confessionsofa Ex-Doofus-ItchyFooted Mutha.
Confessions is a fresh and relevant work by a filmmaker who has steadily produced work in his own voice. a POV like no other.
He was there for intros and questions and answered my questions almost by mind reading and started his comments by declaring with a shout,
The screening was fun too because it was completly devoid of pretence. Many relaxed faces and vibes (unlike those online to see the sold out Videos by David Bowie w/ Thurston Moore. No offense to anyone, just an observation). Actually the screening environment was like that of going to a movie at a public library - that's supposed to be a compliment.
I've been on the go so much, now that I have a moment I don't know what to do with myself. I just want food, warm shoes on my feet, friends...oh, and funk.
Recently saw a Clint Eastwood film I was not familiar with, The Enforcer, the film that started the Dirty Harry series. It jammed race, gender, politics and cool shades down the throat of the viewer. SF in the 70's must have been a blast.
Went to this art show last night. It was perfect. Cathy suddenly had a life beyond typing on a typewriter and eating chocolate. The general theme was a sexualized, graphic Cathy. Got to spend time with my friend HANDCANCEL too. I love art events - they're like a social aparatif, to keep the brain ready.
I'm not too sure how to describe how I feel right now. I thought I would never see this day. I spoke with my 20 year old brother, Soliman. He summarized it best: "We are all a part of this. The change begins now! All of us!" I couldn't agree more. So I ask... WHAT NOW?
It used to be that my MINDS raced so much - it felt it was going to explode. The imagination would take control and it took effort to decipher grand notions and dreams. It seems the roles have changed. The HEART is running mad. I said it before and Ill say it again; 2008, THE YEAR OF INFINITE GREATNESS.
I saw this video over here sometime back, but in light of the fact that Suicide is playing alongside some modern manchild rockers (MGMT/JUSTICE) tonight, I thought I would post it. I would LOVE to see this show tonight but I must prepare...
In the meantime - The Boss tips hat to downtown 1981 in classy fashion.
I tried to go to some Stonesthrow party tonite (along with 300 other New Yorkers) hosted by Melvin Van Peebles. I also wanted to see DAM FUNK. Ive seen most of the crew already. Always worth it. But MVP! In the place?
Melvin made films as a reaction. He had to..he just HAD to do it. And he did his thing alright. He was a true renaissance man. SCREEN STAGE RECORDINGS TV the works. Even became a hip-hop sample-source legend.
If you haven't seen the excellent documentary, How to Eat Your Watermelon in the Company of White People and Enjoy It, you better.
Melvin started making films in France - not the US. Hollywood wasn't ready.
He later mad Sweet Sweetbacks Bad ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS song. I remember seeing that in college. It convinced me that I wanted to study film (what an dumb move that was).
Its seems he keeps his presence to a mini on the net. It has to be that way because every moment is like 500 X 100 to the Nth.
I was looking for some stand up. All I could find was TV appearances. Trashed. Same jokes on the circuit. I'd love to see this guy live. Maybe it would be a disaster but how did he get away with SNL?
I was a little too political a few posts back and I must apologize. The tradition of the Savage Severe is to only take it seriously when people are talking about your mama and what kind of chips to have with the dip.
I went to a little over-the-top party-jamn on Flushing the other night. The whole thing seemed so casual except it was like a cross between this:
and this:
David Cross was there... And so was some kid who asked me if he could by a condom from me. I didn't have any; this was a game-kickless evening. Take from that what you will. (Note: Tracy Morgan is doing a homecoming at the Apollo in Nov. 08)
The place was so far from words or accurate pictures. The thing that got to me was the condom dude.
Speaking of Zappa and Miami Vice, check out the man's great way with non-sequiurs in a deal on a boat. All in all I think the Z holds his own pretty well.
Heard this tune on Miami Vice the other night - it was stuck in my head Plus its on the Old Grey Whistle Stop show so its kind of fitting the running theme...
During the early hrs of the day, while walking home I heard the sound of police vehicle megaphone somewhere in the distance behind me - then all of a sudden a small maelstrom touches base ...
Riding a 5 foot tall mutant bike, the guy was pedaling along side two police transport vans, giving the sign of the horns. The cops in the boats were loving it and hanging out of the suicide doors, yelling.
With all the supercollider talk floating around the watercooler, the bar, the park while tripping, the web, Im convinced this machine has been on for weeks and does NOTHING. Its just a bunch of practical effects - steam rushing from valves, washing machine "out of balance" indicators, and engineers in a control room with a happy grin and a rehearsed furrowed brow when the fecals supercollide into the "up and running" fan.
I mean - they could say anything.
Its not like ordering a pizza, "where should we go, PAPA JOHNS?, M&O Pizza on Broadway?, Elios frozen joints?...". When scientists need some proton shadows analyzed they can only go to one place - and the answer is always the one they want to hear.
"Yup. Everything looks just fine Dr. Bonn, that will be 2 million dollars please."
No just kidding - this thing is amazing to me. Even more amazing is this related joke site.
I cannot believe the summer's over. So much learned and experienced. Finally saw J*Davey, Gang Gang Dance, and Alan Braxe. Now onto fall - my second favorite season. Bye Bye SUMMER 08!!!!
"Mayor Quimby" style float at the Mermaid Fest
This stranger on a train was having a heartwrenching moment that I could relate to. PASSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Florida Wasteland
A great hotel to have an affair in. The window of our room looks out into the office building across the atrium - both structures were encased in glass. If you want, you can have a shag and then get right back to work.
Felt like this sometimes - hot and hazy.
Can't beat it.
Alfredo - A true Music Ambassador and all around great guy.
Lots of spazzy moments of, gotta get to that LIVE ARCHIVE stuff...
Speaking of live - couldn't mess with the 88Boardrum. Rockabilly dudes and the Voice can be critical all they like - but it was truly a mythic experience. Live and Die. I was wild to see Kathleen in the mix feelin the spirit.